Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Nokia Plan to bring new smartphones in India

Mobile phone company HMD Global is likely to roll out new smartphones from April and a new version of its 22-year-old handset Nokia 8110 from May in India.

HMD here unveiled four smartphones, Nokia 8 Sirocco, Nokia 7 Plus, new Nokia 6 and Nokia 1, in the price range of EUR 85 to EUR 749.

The company also relaunched it's 22 year old feature phone Nokia 8110 with the support of 4G services for 79 euro or about Rs 6,300 excluding tax.

When asked about launch of Nokia 8110 in India, the spokesperson said "starting May" though specific date for India is not decided.

Three new Nokia smartphones - the Nokia 8 Sirocco, the Nokia 7 Plus and the new Nokia 6 - are built on Android One platform and will support artificial intelligence technology.

With the price of 749 euro or around Rs 60,000 a unit, Nokia 8 Sirocco comes with 5.5-inch display built with 3D Corning Gorilla Glass 5 , dual rear sensors with ZEISS optics and a secondary 13MP sensor with 2 times optical zoom.

Nokia 7 plus unveiled here has been priced at 399 euro or around Rs 32,000 , comes with 6-inch display, 12 MP primary camera and 13 MP secondary camera, 3800 mAh battery. New Nokia 6 and Nokia 1 will retail at global average price of 279 euro and 85 euro respectively.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

DoT start issuing13-digit number -only for swipe machines

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has asked telecom service providers to start issuing 13-digit digit numbers for SIM based machine-to-machine (M2M) services, which will co-exist with 10-digit numbers.

The DoT had approved the scheme and a letter on it was sent to various departments on February 9, 2018.

M2M services are those where internet-enabled devices like point-of-sale machines or even latest refrigerators that communicate through a SIM card. This decision will not have any effect on mobile lolphone SIMs.

During meeting, it was decided that 13-digit M2M numbering plan will be implemented from July 1, 2018. From this date onwards, all new M2M mobile connections will be allocated l3-digit numbers only.

The DoT said all service providers must ensure that their network elements including IT and other relevant systems are aligned with 13-digit numbering for M2M SIMs before July 1, 2018.

Migration of existing 10-digit M2M numbers to 13 digits will start latest by October 1, 20I8 and shall be completed by December 31, 2018.

#Dot service
#M2m service

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Monday, February 19, 2018

Tamil mozhi Varalaattru Unmaigal

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Sunday, February 11, 2018

Moto Z2 Force launching in India on 15 February

After launching the Moto Z2 Force in the US in July last year, Motorola is now gearing up to launch the device in India on 15 February. The device will come bundled with the Moto Turbo Power pack which was launched in India in December last year with a price tag of Rs. 5,999.

Currently, there is no information about the India price of the Moto Z2 Force, however, the device was launched in the US starting at $799 and is expected to be priced similarly in India.

Moto Z2 Force Highlights:

  • The Moto Z2 Force runs on Android 8.0 Oreo and features a shatterproof 5.5-inch Quad HD AMOLED display with a resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels and an aspect ratio of 16:9. 
  • In terms of design, the Moto Z2 Force is built from 7000 series aluminum and comes with water-repellent nano-coating.
  • In terms of performance, the Moto Z2 Force is powered by an octa core Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 SoC coupled with Adreno 540 GPU, 4GB/6GB RAM and 64GB of internal storage which is further expandable up to 2TB via a microSD card. 
  • The device comes with a dedicated micro SD card slot, allowing you to use two SIM cards along with a micro SD card.
  • On the camera department, the Moto Z2 Force features a dual 12MP camera setup at the back consisting of a Monochrome + RGB sensor combination. 
  • The camera comes with f/2.0 aperture, 1.25um pixel size, phase detection & laser autofocus and dual LED flash. D
  • On the front, the device comes with a 5MP secondary camera with f/2.2 aperture and dual LED flash.
  • The Moto Z2 Force is powered by a 2,730mAh battery with Turbo Charging support. Additionally, the device comes with the Moto Turbo Power pack which has an additional 3,490mAh battery. 
Connectivity options on the device include 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth 4.2, GPS, NFC and a USB Type-C port.
#motoz2 Launches

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Friday, February 09, 2018

Apple Valentine's day offer on iPhones and iPads

Apple has announced a slew of offers on its iPhones and iPads. Under the Apple Valentine’s Day offer, buyers can get a cashback of up to Rs 10,000 on a range of iPhones and iPads. With this offer, anyone can buy an iPad or the iPhone SE for as low as Rs 15,000.

Valentine’s Day offer:
  • As a part of Apple Valentine’s Day offer, customers using HDFC Bank EasyEMI option will get a cashback of Rs 7,000 on the iPhone 6 and the iPhone SE. 
  • The company is offering a cashback of Rs 10,000 on the iPad, iPad Mini4 and iPad Pro. The cashback offer is applicable starting today and will continue till 14 February.
  • The Apple iPhone 6 that is priced at Rs 27,000 is available for Rs 20,000 after the cashback. 
  • The iPhone SE 32GB variant is available for Rs 15,000, and the 128GB variant of the device is available for Rs 28,000.
  • On iPads, the 9.7-inch iPad 32GB variant is priced at Rs 25,000 and the iPad 128GB variant is priced at Rs 35,700. 
  • After a cashback of Rs 10,000, the 32GB and 128GB iPad variants will be available for Rs 15,000 and Rs 25,700 respectively.
  •  Apart from the above-mentioned offers, HDFC is also offering a cashback of Rs 12,000 on the iPhone X, iPhone 8 and the iPhone 8 Plus. 
  • The cashback offer on the iPhone X, iPhone 8 and the iPhone 8 Plus is valid until 11 March.

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